This original acrylic painting is from my “Space for All Conference” Series. I was inspired to create new word art that reflected my feelings at the time about all that I was experiencing, learning, and unlearning in regards to racism/anti-racism, colonization/uncolonization, and toxic patriarchy.
This painting addresses how harmful white fragility is. I’ve had many discussions about this in the past, so if I could sum it up, white fragility centers whiteness, forces others to focus on the false victim mentality white folks have when called in or out about their racism, and makes BIPOC do unnecessary emotional labor for white folks. If words can be considered weapons, this behavior would be too.
Acrylic on Masonite 9″x12″ with a hand carved/hand stamped colorful background using acrylic paint to create the pattern. Minimum Price is $50 to cover my basic costs of making the piece and if you can afford more please pay according to your budget for art and heart! It’s my way of opting out of the “Capitalist Model” and my desire to make art affordable.
Thank you for reading this far! <3