Stop Weaponizing Spiritual Teachings

Phrases like “It must have been your karma”, “we are all one”, and “they are doing God’s work” are becoming all too common in excusing, covering up, denying, and staying in a state of cognitive dissonance.

Available for purchase.



This original acrylic painting is from my “Space for All Conference” Series. I was inspired to create new word art that reflected my feelings at the time about all that I was experiencing, learning, and unlearning in regards to racism/anti-racism, colonization/uncolonization, and toxic patriarchy.

This painting came flowing out of me as soon as I realized there were people in my extended community who were using Spiritual Teachings to justify and excuse abuse.

Acrylic on Masonite 9″x12″ with a hand carved/hand stamped colorful background using acrylic paint to create the pattern. Minimum Price is $50 to cover my basic costs of making the piece and if you can afford more please pay according to your budget for art and heart! It’s my way of opting out of the “Capitalist Model” and my desire to make art affordable.
